Showing 1–12 of 34 results

Coloured Shrubs – You can buy plants online by simply clicking “Add” under the photos below and then proceed to the checkout when ready.

Coloured shrubs are plants that compliment any landscape design, enhancing garden ideas.
A garden design which incorporates coloured shrubs adds innovation and individuality to landscaping ideas, improving the feel of the garden or rock garden, even for small garden ideas with flowering plants, herb gardens or perennial plants.

Our Latest Catalogue is full of beautiful, interesting and rare plants, shrubs, trees, landscape suggestions, unique nursery ideas, general garden ideas, innovative garden design tips and thoughts for your plant nursery, the garden, indoor garden, rock garden, small garden ideas, flowering plants, herb garden and perennial plants. You will also find some interesting information and helpful tips and can follow Bob’s Blog for some great insights and thoughtful advice.

Note: There are many more plants available than are included in the Latest Catalogue.
Use the Search Box at the top of this page.

Amazing Flowering Plants

Achimenes Hybrid ‘Klaus Nubauer’


Amazing Flowering Plants

Agapanthus orientalis  Queen Anne


Amazing Flowering Plants

Azalea indica ‘Elizabeth Lawrence’


Amazing Flowering Plants

Black Bat Plant – Tacca chantrieri


Flowering Shrubs



Amazing Flowering Plants

Brugmansia July Collection


Amazing Flowering Plants

Brunsfelsia latifolia `Sweet Petite’


Amazing Flowering Plants

Camellia sasanqua ‘Russhay’


Amazing Flowering Plants

