(1.5m**AbcD) Baloskion pallens
A longer slender native segde growing up to 1.5m in waterlogged gardens. Sturdy grass like foliage with golden brown feather like flowers on the ends. Can be grown in a container. Full sun.
…..Priced at $8.90 each
(45cmABCD) Cyperus papyrus nana.
This is a gorgeous little water plant. Very slender bright green stems with tassel heads. Stems are soft and very densely packed. A very bright light green. Likes moisture but does not have to sit in water. Full sun or light shade.
…..Priced at $8.90 each
(30cmABCD) Pogonatherum crinitum.
A clump forming compact grass (not a bamboo) with a bushy habit with tiny “bamboo-like” dense leaves. Interesting and beautiful in containers. It is also used worldwide as a houseplant. Plant in full to part sun.
…..Priced at $8.90 each
(25cm**ABCD) Cyperus gracilis.
This is a gorgeous little water plant. Very slender stems and an inflorescensce that sparkles in the light. Stems are soft and very densely packed. A very bright light green. Likes moisture but does not have to sit in water. Native to Australia. Full sun or light shade.
…..Priced at $8.90 each